
What You Should Know about the World’s Largest, Stand-Alone Quantum Computing Company

Honeywell Quantum Solutions Vacuum Chamber Flange
Honeywell Quantum Solutions Vacuum Chamber Flange

What You Should Know about the World’s Largest, Stand-Alone Quantum Computing Company

Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum Computing will combine to form new company.

Quantum computing will revolutionize the way we work and enable us to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges.  Cambridge Quantum Computing and Honeywell Quantum Solutions are combining forces to scale this disruptive technology faster.

Here are the details:

Honeywell Quantum Solutions: A division within Honeywell that has built the world's highest-performing quantum computer based on trapped-ion technology.

Cambridge Quantum Computing: The global leader in software, cyber security and algorithms used ubiquitously across multiple quantum computing platforms, with operations in the United Kingdom, United States, Europe and Japan and founded in 2014.

New Company: Quantum computing will remain a key breakthrough initiative for Honeywell. After the transaction is complete, Honeywell will own a majority stake in the new company. CQC’s software business will remain hardware agnostic and be fully compatible with all global quantum hardware providers.

What it means: The new company will be the largest, most advanced stand-alone quantum computing company in the world, offering the world’s highest-performing quantum computer and a full suite of quantum software, including the first and most advanced quantum operating system.

Hyper-scaling: The new stand-alone company will provide the best avenue to onboard new, diverse sources of capital at scale that will help drive rapid growth.

The Future of Quantum Computing: The technology will answer demand for improved computation in diverse areas, including cybersecurity, drug discovery and delivery, material science, finance and optimization for industrial markets.