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- Meet a #futureshaper: Gustavo Gomez
As a child Gustavo Gomez saw himself as a marine biologist, an astronaut and a scholar.
Now, Gustavo is making life easier for engineers so that they can focus on building innovative products.
In the future he expects everything will be an automated and personalized.
“Daily needs will be solved with a single app on a phone or device,” Gustavo said. “Programming will be standard and there will be new specialties of it.”
Based in Mexico City, Mexico; here is his #futureshaper story.
What gets you excited about going to work every day?
I enjoy working with my colleagues. We really love our job and have fun, so it never really feels like work. Every day is different, so it never gets dull and I always feel as though I am contributing to a greater goal.
Did you ever imagine you would end up in the job you are now?
Never. I didn’t even know this kind of job existed.
In your eyes, what qualities does a #futureshaper possess?
A #futureshaper needs to have curiosity and passion.
What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?
Never think you are not worthy. Passion and commitment are way stronger than talent.
When you are not working, what do you do for fun?
I play videogames or enjoy learning things that are non-work related.
Learn more about what it is like to be a #futureshaper.
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