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- Meet a #futureshaper: Taoist Ding
September 23, 2019
Augmented Reality technology is the future, said engineering fellow Taoist Ding.
Today, you can use a mobile phone to pay a bill, hail a taxi or video call friends. But that still requires holding the phone in your hands.
In the future, AR technology will make that unnecessary, Taoist said. You will be able to use your voice or a gesture to control technology.
Based in Shanghai, China; here is his #futureshaper story.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a child, I was influenced by my family and wanted to be a teacher. But when I grew up, I found working as an engineer would not only enable me to explore new technology, but also allow me to become a mentor.
What do you do?
I design a lot of security products, including video surveillance cameras, intrusion alarm controllers, keypads, digital input and output peripherals, access controllers, home system video door phones, lobby phones and guard phones. These products make people safe and comfortable.
How does what you do involve Augmented Reality (AR) technology?
I’m researching AR technologies and I’m sure it will be the next computer platform, which will replace mobile phones or become a necessary addition to mobile phone. AR technology is a bridge which will connect the real world and digital world. In the future, everyone will control digital devices by AR glass or AR headphones.
What gets you excited about coming to work every day?
As an engineer, solving problems is my duty. Making customers’ lives safer and more comfortable is exciting. My family and I also can use my products. That means I’m a #futureshaper.
What do you wish people knew about Honeywell?
Nowadays in China, Honeywell is becoming more and more famous. I hope people can think of Honeywell as high quality with exciting products.
Why is the future important? In the future, we will live in a mixed world. The boundary between the real world and digital world will become less distinct.
How does your job make tomorrow better/safer than today? I’m a Fellow of Honeywell HBT security team. What I design - video surveillance products, intrusion alarm products and access control products - has made our customers better and safer.
What qualities do you think a #futureshaper should have? Creativity. Professionalism. Dedication.
What do you for fun? Play with my kids, swim, play video games and watch TV.
Learn more about what it is like to be a #futureshaper.
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